E-Invoice - Push to IRP Feature
Enable E-Invoicing Push to IRP Feature E-Invoicing (Electronic Invoicing) in GST is a system introduced by the Government of India for reporting Business-to-Business (B2B) invoices electronically to the GST portal. This system ensures real-time validation and generation of invoices, which are automatically shared with the buyer and the GST system. How E-Invoicing Works: Businesses generate invoices using their own accounting or ERP software. Each e-invoice is assigned a unique InvoiceFew readersGSTR-1:-Details of outward supplies of goods and services.
GSTR-1 Details of outward supplies of goods and services. Steps To Follow: - Enter the URL app.invoicera.com Login with valid credentials and will take you to the dashboard screenFew readersGSTR-3B Filing Summary
GSTR-3B Filing Summary: - Enter the URL app.invoicera.com. Login with valid credentials and will take you to the dashboard screen. Append the URL (-gst/gstfilling/gstin.php) with Base URL and will take you to the List of GSTINs screen. For Ex.https://app.invoicera.com/ -gst/gstfilling/gstin.php (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/fbd301f55ae1b800/image1ikgFew readersE-Way Bills
E-Way Bills under GST An E-Way Bill (Electronic Way Bill) is a compliance mechanism under the GST regime that tracks the movement of goods. It is mandatory for transporting goods valued over a certain threshold, ensuring transparency and reducing tax evasion during transportation. Required for the movement of goods worth ₹50,000 or more (for both inter-state and intra-state transportation). Applies to both registered and unregistered suppliers or recipients. Steps To Follow: - EnteFew readers