Articles on: SETTINGS

Set corporate colors and select invoice/estimates template on Invoicera

Invoicera helps you maintaining selecting colors on your Invoices/Estimates/Credit Notes with ease. Here is how you can do this –

For setting your own Logos, please follow the following path:

Step 1 : Login to your Invoicera Account by Administrator.

Step 2 : Go to Settings option.

Step 3 : Click on the Brand Appearance tab.

Here is how you can choose Invoice Template , Estimate template , Recurring Template and you can set default template colors from this screen .

To select Invoice templates type , click on invoice template field.

To select Estimate Template types , click on estimate template field.

For select recurring invoice template , click on recurring template field.

To set default template colors , click on Set Default Template colors and choose types which you want to select.

After Choosing types click on Update button to save these settings.

Updated on: 26/07/2024

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